Sunday, September 29, 2013

Revenge Takedowns 1.2 : Bill Harmon

Bill Harmon

By Aaron Welsh | Posted 09/03/12
Bill Harmon is the head of Wall Street’s most profitable hedge fund and former friend to David Clarke. He testified against David in the trial because the Graysons threatened to turn in evidence that could hurt him to the SEC if he didn’t turn on his old pal. After Emily’s return, she leaked false information to him about a potential investment by NolCorp. The bad information led Bill to overinvest and ruin his company. 


• Bill always has a set of red dice on him. 
• According to David’s journals, Bill is “reckless and impulsive,” “in a constant state of mid-life crisis,” and “loves money, and he’ll do anything to get it. Or keep it.” 
• Bill is head of Wall Street’s most profitable hedge fund. 
• Little Amanda referred to him as Uncle Bill. 
• Bill was fired by Conrad in 1993. 
• Bill took the stand against David Clarke after Grayson Global threatened to expose Bill’s database to the SEC. 
• Emily takes him down by leading him to invest in ALLCOM, a Chinese smart phone manufacturer. The information was bad and it ruined his company. 
• Bill is the one who told Conrad about David and Victoria 

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